Since the success of the 1.7 release in November, we’ve received tons of great feedback from our community, and we have been listening.
We’ve implemented a number of features in this release (version 1.7 build 537), including improvements to the “New Releases for You” and “Now Playing” screens, as well as a number of other changes to improve the way you discover and listen to the music you love.
New Releases For You
We’ve also added the ability to filter your personalised recommendations by genre. The “New Releases for You” screen now lists the top genre presets at the top of the page, making it much easier for you to filter your recommendations and listen to the genre you are in the mood for.

Our recommendations are always improving, so let us know if you’re enjoying your latest picks!
Auto Sleep Mode
We’ve also implemented a new “Auto Sleep” feature for selected Roon Ready devices which support standby mode, as well as products from Devialet, Linn, and Meridian, allowing users to automatically put their audio products into standby mode shortly after the music stops playing. Once your product has gone into standby mode it can easily be woken up simply by playing Roon content.
Turning off devices automatically when you’re not using them will save you money on your electric bill (especially with power-hungry amplifiers) and let you do a little something to save the planet.
Now Playing
We’ve added two new features to your “Now Playing” screen. The first affects Live Radio playback: if the station you’re listening to provides Artist and Track Title information, Roon will look up this information and link directly to the album when we’ve found a match, making it significantly easier to add content to your library as you listen to your favourite stations.
We’ve also added a slideshow on Now Playing for albums that include a gallery of additional images, making the listening experience more engaging.
We hope you enjoy the new update and look forward to hearing what you think. For more information on the new release, head over to our Community page.